Saturday, 1 December 2012

Emas sebagai hantaran perkahwinan

Cantik kan Dinar Syifa' ini? 
Beralih kepada simpanan emas, matawang emas ...hantaran perkahwinan menngunakan hadiah / mahar emas... kenapa? emas adalah logam yang tinggi nilainya, dan tidak merugikan sesiapa pun. 
Sempena hijrah ini, hijrahkan juga diri kita untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan lebih baik dan bermanfaat. Jika berminat, boleh hubungi online.
Tahniah kepada penyimpan emas.

sumber : emasperakbiz


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Maal Hijrah 1434

as-salam.. bersyukur kepada Allah SWT ...atas nikmatnya kita dapat memasuki tahun baru 1434 Hijrah pada tarikh 15 Nov 2012 bersamaan 1 Muharram 1434H... umur kita pula meningkat lagi setahun... moga2 dengan kehadiran tahun baru akan menghijrahkan diri kita ke arah lebih baik. In..shaa Allah. 


Friday, 26 October 2012

Panggilan Haji

As-salam. Bertemu kita lagi di suasana syahdu & bertakbir membesarkan Allah SWT di pagi AidilAdha, 10 Zulhijjah 1433H, bersamaan 26 Oktober 2012. Bertuahlah bagi mereka yang berkesempatan menunaikan fardhu Haji yang merupakan Rukun Islam yang kelima wajib ditunaikan sekiranya berkemampuan. 


Thursday, 20 September 2012

Karnival Kerjaya di ADTEC Melaka

untuk sebarang maklumat lanjut, anda diminta menghubungi pihak pengurusan BPPL, ADTEC Melaka. Layari 


Saturday, 15 September 2012

Karnival Skills Malaysia Zon Selatan 2012

Karnival Skills Malaysia Zon Selatan yang diadakan di Pusat Dagangan Antarabangsa Melaka (MITC) telah diadakan pada 15 & 16 September 2012. Karnival ini dirasmikan oleh Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Melaka, Datuk Omar Kasih  dan turut hadir adalah Datuk Seri Zainal Rahim Seman selaku Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Sumber Manusia.

Karnival ini bertujuan untuk mempromosikan latihan kemahiran sesuai dengan moto Skills Malaysia, Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) iaitu ‘Mengarusperdana Latihan Kemahiran’. Pelbagai agensi yang terlibat dengan kemahiran dan gerai jualan telah menyertai dan memeriahkan karnival ini.

             ADTEC Melaka yang mewakili Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM) juga telah dijemput untuk menyertai karnival ini sebagai peserta pameran dan juga telah menganjurkan kursus jangka pendek selama sehari melalui Kursus “Become A Blogger” dan juga “SOHO Network” di mana  kedua-duanya merupakan pengajar dari Bahagian Komputer Sistem. Tahniah di atas kerjasama bersama pihak JPK dan penglibatan dalam Skills Malaysia.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Merdeka & Hari Malaysia 2012

Selamat menyambut Kemerdekaan ke-55 pada 31 Ogos 2012 dan sambutan Hari Malaysia pada 16 September 2012 kepada seluruh warganegara Malaysia. Tunjukkan rasa cinta dan sayangkan negara dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang berfaedah dan yang dapat memberi sumbangan kepada agama dan negara. Semoga kita semua mensyukuri nikmat kemerdekaan yang telah dicapai malah berusaha gigih untuk mencegah penjajahan fizikal dan juga minda. Wassalam.


Sunday, 12 August 2012

Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya 1433H

Di kesempatan ini, warga Practical3g mengucapkan selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa sepanjang Ramadhan 1433H ini dan seterusnya Salam AidilFitri kepada semua pengunjung blog dan website kami. Semoga anda semua mendapat rahmat-Nya dan Berhati-hati di jalan raya. Kami memohon maaf zahir dan batin di atas segala kekurangan yang ada. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 1433H. 


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Simplify lifestyle from a gadget

Android apps make life easier and are easy to understand. When people use your app for the first time, they should intuitively grasp the most important features. The design work doesn't stop at the first use, though. Android apps remove ongoing chores like file management and syncing. Simple tasks never require complex procedures, and complex tasks are tailored to the human hand and mind. People of all ages and cultures feel firmly in control, and are never overwhelmed by too many choices or irrelevant flash.

Beauty is more than skin deep. Android apps are sleek and aesthetically pleasing on multiple levels. Transitions are fast and clear; layout and typography are crisp and meaningful. App icons are works of art in their own right. Just like a well-made tool, your app should strive to combine beauty, simplicity and purpose to create a magical experience that is effortless and powerful. So, enjoy this gadget!!

Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0) marks a major milestone for Android design. We touched nearly every pixel of the system as we expanded the new design approaches introduced in Honeycomb tablets to all types of mobile devices. Starting with the most basic elements, we introduced a new font, Roboto, designed for high-resolution displays. Other big changes include framework-level action bars on phones and support for new phones without physical buttons.
source : android developer


Tuesday, 19 June 2012


WiFi Phones

From their user interface to how they work, WiFi phones are a lot like cell phones . Like a basic cell phone, a WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) phone has a printed circuit board(PCB) that connects:
Both types of phones also send and receive signals as radio waves. The difference is that WiFi phones use different frequencies than cellular phones do. Cell phones use 824-MHz to 894-MHz frequency bands. WiFi phones that use the 802.11b or 802.11g standards transmit at 2.4 GHz. Phones that use the 802.11a standard transmit at 5 GHz.  
Nowadays, the appearance of I-Phone, I-Pad, Android Tabs and Phone are very fastest that make challenging of the phones in the past trend. The phones now is very smart & multi function enabled in this new technologiest.
Please keep update.


Tuesday, 15 May 2012


In computing, virtualization (or virtualisation) is the creation of a virtual (rather than actual) version of something, such as a hardware platform, operating system (OS), storage device, or network resources.[1]
While a physical computer in the classical sense is clearly a complete and actual machine, both subjectively (from the user's point of view) and objectively (from the hardware system administrator's point of view), a virtual machine is subjectively a complete machine (or very close), but objectively merely a set of files and running programs on an actual, physical machine (which the user need not necessarily be aware of).
The idea of Server Virtualization is to run multiples servers on one physical machine.This is basic of running the Virtual Private Servers. So why we need Server Virtualization? Just it's because this technology provides High Availability, Economy and Flexibility.. It also thinking about costing in any system developments.


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Forum ICT 2012 at ADTEC Melaka

ADTEC Melaka as a host and Jabatan Tenaga Manusia (JTM) are organised a Forum of Information & Communications Technology (FICT) 2012. There are about sharing of an online system and ICT Policies that presented by Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU) and Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) such as UPSI and UTM which have a presentation on their scope of forum. Please to all visitor, grab this chances to attend the FICT on :

DATE : 19TH APRIL 2012

                              TIME : 8.30 AM - 4.30 PM


Friday, 30 March 2012

4G technology to replace 3G?...

When talking about 4G, question comes to our mind is what is 4G Technology. 4G is short forFourth (4th) Generation Technology. 4G Technology is basically the extension in the 3G technology with more bandwidth and services offers in the 3G. But at this time nobody exactly knows the true 4G definition. Some people say that 4G technology is the future technologies that are mostly in their maturity period. The expectation for the 4G technology is basically the high quality audio/video streaming over end to end Internet Protocol. If the Internet Protocol (IP) multimedia sub-system movement achieves what it going to do, nothing of this possibly will matter. WiMAX or mobile structural design will become progressively more translucent, and therefore the acceptance of several architectures by a particular network operator ever more common.

Many Technologies appear in many different flavours and …continue>>


Monday, 20 February 2012

Is this the challenger of I-pad?

Huawei S7 Slim Android Tablet Features

The iPad isn't the only touch screen portable device that lets you take your films, music and pictures wherever you go! The Huawei S7 has a 7-inch touch screen, runs Android 2.2 and features a 3G sim card slot as well as built-in WiFi - so you can connect to the Internet anywhere, anytime.You can also get the Huawei Android Tablet bundled with a 32GB microSD. 
·         Connect anywhere wirelessly via WiFi or 3G (sim card with data plan required for 3G)
·         Lots of apps available for download on Android Marketplace

Operating System
Android 2.2
7-inch WVGA 800 x 480 resolution
Sim card slot for HSPA/UMTS
microSD card slot
Works with Exchange, POP3 and Google Mail
3.15 MegaPixel


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

soalan bodoh? kenapa bertanya?

Dipetik : 

Tentu adik-adik pernah mendengar pepatah Melayu ini, ‘Malu bertanya sesat jalan’. Ia mengingatkan kita tentang kepentingan bertanya untuk mengetahui sesuatu. Aktiviti bertanya soalan kelihatan seperti sesuatu yang mudah tetapi kadangkala ia begitu sukar dilakukan. Saya dapati kebanyakan pelajar malu hendak bertanya kerana mereka rasa, apabila mereka bertanya, ia menunjukkan bahawa mereka tidak tahu. Ia kelihatan seperti mereka ini tidak berilmu dan lebih buruk lagi, mereka rasa seperti orang bodoh.

Persoalannya, adakah bertanya soalan boleh membuat kita kelihatan seperti ‘orang bodoh‘?

>>Buat blog dengan mudah <<

Sudah tentu tidak bukan? Ramai guru atau cikgu kita yang ingatkan bahawa ‘Tidak ada soalan bodoh di dalam dunia ini‘. Jika kita mahu tahu apa-apa, tanya sahaja kerana soalan kita itu tidak mungkin soalan yang bodoh. Jadi adik-adik, mulai hari ini, jangan malu bertanya jika kita mahu tahu apa-apa.

Namun, setelah beberapa lama saya fikirkan, ada ketikanya, kita memang ada mendengar soalan yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai soalan bodoh. Contohnya mungkin

1) Ketika melawat seorang sahabat yang sedang sakit kuat di hospital, kita datang dan bertanya, “apa khabar kau, sihat?”
2) Ketika melihat kawan sedang membasuh kereta, kita bertanya, “buat apa tu?”
3) Kita melihat kawan yang jatuh basikal hingga berdarah lutut, betis dan siku, lalu kita bertanya, “sakit ke?”
4) Kita lihat kawan kita menangis hingga merah mata selepas keluar dewan peperiksaan lalu kita tanya, “susah sangat ke soalan tadi?


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

KL is host for WRO 2012

In this 2012, KL is the host for WRO (World Robot Olympiad). The theme is 'Robot Connecting People' that is very simple meaning but deep in the social thing! Enjoy the robots in KL.

"To all the participants of WRO 2012, are you ready? We're very happy to announce the launch of the official event site for WRO 2012 today. You'll find all the information you need right here. You can access them through the box links or the site map by clicking on the gray bar at the top. As you can see, some of the links are disabled right now. Not to worry, they will come alive as we get nearer to the competition date, so make sure you drop by often!" source from

blogger for robots here &  check our robots in microcontroller tech.

                                                                             Harga Emas turun? Beli sekarang..Wow untung berganda


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year 2012

Yeah we wish u all Happy New Year 2012, and hopes u all especially our readers always in happiness & peaceful & also the mission of target in this year can achieve in best condition. Noted to Islamic muslim, don't forget that we have already celebrate Hijriah New Year 1433H. Hopefully we all more get ready for new challenging.


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